When Your Spiritual Path Seems Out Of Reach

I get so many of these messages, each person feeling utterly alone. Health, stress, money issues, loss, circumstances all leading to them feeling completely disconnected from their spiritual path, beliefs, gifts, and the very thread that once nourished and made them feel whole.
These messages are often a combination of despair, depression, exhaustion, fear, disappointment and even embarrassment!
What each person does not realise is they are in no way alone. This is not something that is rare, something they did wrong or a failing. So much of the 'new age' movement shoving positivity down your throat, blame when you fall because you obviously have failed at this dancing through the flowers pretending to be happy and positive at all times facade.
It's not a failing however if you find yourself feeling disconnected, there will be times in your life where you will draw your path closer in times of need and others when you close down leaving it behind. This is truth!
It happens to everyone at some point whether they want to admit it or not, it's happened to me several times during my life so far and I am sure it will happen again.
Allow yourself the time and grace you need, know it's not permanent and not a failing. It's those thoughts of failure that will keep you from returning, not the break itself. Know nothing is lost, just gently sleeping while you move through whatever challenges you.
When you feel a longing, a calling to return, do not be surprised when it does not just snap back or if it feels like an insurmountable task. Instead start small, tiny if need be! Choose a simple tumblestone to support how you feel in that moment and carry it with you. Take a salt bath during the Full Moon. Burn some incense on the new moon and send your intention to return out into the universe on its smoke. One small step at a time returning to the feelings of home, the magick and connection within until one day you find yourself called to your sacred space and full practice once again. Whether its a week or a month know you will find your way back and during that time, even though you may feel so, you are never alone! Your Guides, your connection to Source and your path are all there, just like a single star in the night sky, shining to show you the way back when ready.
Goddess Enchantments