Full and New Moon Waters
To Make Moon Water
You will need:
Ideally a glass container with a clear lid, you can also use a clear jam jar with clear kitchen film over the top!!
As much water as you would like to make, ideally spring/bottled water.
Safe outside space or windowsill facing the moon to leave it over night.
When the moon is clear in the sky take your jar of water outside, raise it up to the moon and bless the water in the name of the new moon/full moon. If for some reason you cannot go outside this can be done near an open window in clear view of the moon. Leave your jar of water in the moons view over night until morning.
Notes: If you plan to use your moon water for something specific, success in your home business for example. Add this into your moon blessing by asking the moon to bless the venture. If you plan to use it for many things keep it all purpose.
You can also add some gemstones around your jar to create a moon water elixir! If you cannot see the moon from where you are and have an android or iphone you can download various apps which can tell you where the moon is in the sky at that time.
Some Uses For General Moon Water......
Add to bath water
Wash floors/door handles in a home office (Full Moon) or business premises if you are self employed (New Moon)
Wear or carry in a small vial/bottle (eg New Moon Water for success and luck, Full Moon Water for wishes and manifesting)
Use is spells, charms, herb mixes and incenses (if adding to dry mixes add one drop, stir in and allow to dry before making a charm or burning your incense)
Use in a spray bottle around the home.
Use it to cleanse crystals, especially quartz based gemstones

Some Uses For Full Moon Water
Add to bath water
Use to add a powerful boost to any magickal working, especially good for spell craft involving very difficult situations!!!!
Wear or carry in a small vial/bottle for protection and a magickal boost during circle work.
Use is spells, charms, herb mixes and incenses (if adding to dry mixes add one drop, stir in and allow to dry before making a charm or burning your incense)
Use in a spray bottle around the home to promote positive energy and protection.
Use it to cleanse crystals, full moon water is wonderful for using in a spray bottle on larger crystal specimens and clusters!!!!
Place a few drops in a small dish on altars when working with Goddesses who have a deep connection to the moon.
Gently rub some cotton wool soaked in your full moon water on any moonstone you own to raise its vibrations.

Some Uses For New Moon Water
Add to bath water
Wash floors/door handles in a home office or business premises if you are self employed
Wear or carry in a small vial/bottle for luck and success
Use is spells, charms, herb mixes and incenses (if adding to dry mixes add one drop, stir in and allow to dry before making a charm or burning your incense)
Use in a spray bottle around the home to promote positive energy and new beginnings.
Use it to cleanse crystals, especially quartz