Palo Santo Is Not For Cleansing....

In the past I have done posts about what palo santo is, how it is sourced (or should be!!!!), the importance of ethical sourcing and traceability. However it's been brought to my attention recently how much misinformation there is around it's actual use.
Whether you use the term smudging, cleansing or clearing it's all the act of removing unwanted energies from a space, person or item. There are many methods from smoke using herbs to salt.
Palo Santo however is not a cleansing tool! This incredible and beautifully fragrant wood raises the energy and frequency of a person, space or item. It's traditionally used to call in blessings and healing either by itself or after clearing energy. A space or person will often feel lighter, happier and more relaxed after working with this sacred wood. It's often used in sick rooms, healing practices such as crystal healing or energy healing, and to bless a person/space or object.
It is the perfect partner for energy clearing with other tools as when we cleanse a space for example using sacred herbs/smoke we create a vacancy energy wise. Part of the smudging process is refilling the space created with energy you want to be present, as if left your space will refill itself with any mix of frequencies and low vibrations are often the first to return. If we fill that space using a sacred tool like Palo Santo and intention we can create a space filled with blessings, healing and high vibrations.
Goddess Enchantments